Project Overview
The Subaru Love Promise® is their vision to show love and respect to all people at every interaction with Subaru. Through their pilars of Environment, Health, Education, Pets, and Community — they aim to create change in the areas we and our owners care about the most.
As a team we thought this was the best brand to align with to solve our social issue- Distracted Driving. Outlined below is a communications plan addressing the cause authentically to the brand.
Changing behavior is hard, and a lot of people drive distracted.
Being a mindful driver doesn’t get
you cool points.
It’s easy to seem inauthentic when a brand takes on a big social issue.
My Special Sauce ✨
For this project I stretched beyond my circle as no one I knew was a Subaru owner. To get a better understanding of this audience I interviewed drivers about their experience, confirmed my findings through Simmons/MRI research. I brought the project full circle utilizing my design background to mock our creative executions.
Show Them How
To combat distracted driving we knew we have to show drivers what its like to take in the ride. The team pitched a sponsored road trips with influencers like The Family Adverturer and Furry Outdoor Enthusiast and radio/podcast ads to get consumers excited about life without distractions.
Radio Ads on podcast like Outside/In, She Explores, and. MtnMeister that over index. with our target consumer.
Offer A Reward
Driving without distractions is not fun or cool so the team knew we had to combat the uncool with a reward that creates FOMO.
Subaru wouldSponsor highway overlooks across America and “Subaru Views” glovebox banner for every new car purchase to generate organic social content.
Walk The Walk
As a part of the Subaru Love Promise the brand takes many initiatives to spread the love and be intentional about its environmental impact.
The team proposed to extend the Love promise by volunteer dats to maintain sponsored overlooks, continue innovating with distracted driving technology and investing in advocacy organizations like EndDD.